Monday, June 30, 2008

A needed update....

Well, I know that this update is not that far off from the last one. But I felt that I should update out of dedication to myself. So i pretty much finished up the hands, Tomorrow is going to be a polishing day, adding more asymmetry, and the small things that carry the story, as well as making sure that everything is looking right as far as anatomy goes. The next update should have a few things updated that will give away this models identity. I am pretty happy with how the hands have come out, thank you burne hogarth, bridgeman, and not to have too much of an ego but my mirror and own hand lol. Todays work took about 3 - 4 hours total, I tried to take things slow today. I would like to be finished with all sculpting and have all the other things modeled or 50% modeled by the end of wednesday, but I am having so much fun with it I might take another day or half a day just to play around.

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